Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wanted! - Board Game

Was digging my room when I found this board game bought in Secondary Two. I was advertising this board game on television then =D

I find it rather economics-related. A player plays both roles as a consumer and as a producer. The whole idea of the game revolves around maximising profits. As a producer, the player plans whether to embark on businesses (eg. food, transport). As a consumer, the player is involved in stock exchanges, deposits etc. The game simulates the world where the economy is unpredictable (ie. in the game, there is a wheel to decide on the state of economy). As a consumer, the player also decides on whether or not to purchase luxurious goods/services (eg. travels and cruise, house and car), thus there is the concept of Price Elasticity of Demand and Income Elasticity of Demand involved. It is also about minimising costs (by replacing public transport with car) and future price expectations (decisions to sell/buy shares). So the whole idea, in my opinion, is mainly to maximise consumers' and producers' surpluses/profits.

Isn't this game interesting? =D


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