Econs game for Wanted

Hi, here's an idea for an econs game called "Industrial Tycoon" It is a card game where players can build architectures every turn or produce energy and there are resources available for this.
well basically, it works like this, the game has three type of cards:
1.The architectures
2.Workers I will elaborate later on )
Every player will start with a fixed amount of capital points (15) which they can invest in producing architectures or hiring worker cards from their hand and start by drawing 5 cards and 1 card on each turn. Each deck is to contain 60cards. Architectures can be used to harvest resources or produce goods for export, and both cost capital points. Workers are needed for such actions and each architecture's ability will state the number of workers required.
Architects are divided into 3 types: production, Research and harvest
Production architects produce goods at capital costs and can export goods for revenue
research architects add effect to production
Harvest architects can help gain mineral resources every turn need for production.
You may build as many architects or hire as many workers as you like every turn but architects only come onto the game field after the number of turns stated on the bottom right corner of the card. You can choose to produce any type of good(s) and each architect can produce only the type of good stated on it. The goods available are:
The price elastic quartz™ entertainment system
The Price inelastic salt
Starchaser™ crystals
Basically, the first good tends to generate good profits due to its low cost of production and fast rate of production but players may tend to produce this good more and in that case, if both players produce this good, they will have to adjust their price and output.
The salt is a good which is cheap to produce but requires huge set up capital and is slow. But in the long run, players may produce it to generate supernormal profits.
Star chaser crystals are special in a sense that their demand changes with each turn depending on the economy status which is determined by a dice roll each turn. values above 3 will cause demand to increase and values below 3 will cause demand to decrease and players can vary their output for the good.
Eventually, there will be a table for each type of good stating the demand value and matching it to supply value will determine the price. Or set a price and supply value to determine quantity demanded. Ultimately, the aim is to generate as much profit as possible when both players run out of cards. Event cards basically modify turn events.
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